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– This is the cell range of the decision table in the Excel worksheet. output_names (Optional) – Use this ... "holidays", TRUE, age, service) where G7:K16 is the location of the decision table on the Excel worksheet, ...

nicole - 10/03/2024 - 11:21


Excel 2016 Forecast Functions" in the chapter, “Getting Results:  Simulation.” target_date: A data ... #NUM (i.e. if, in this example, 1940 is passed for X) values: An Excel range containing the historical ... values in the given dataset. timeline: An Excel range containing the time variables in the given dataset. ...

nicole - 01/24/2025 - 10:39

Schedule your Consultation Today!

Selection Product Mix Revenue Optimization Routing Scheduling Supply Chain Management/MRP Transportation ...

admin - 05/22/2013 - 09:41


(product),  ‘ave’ (average),  ‘max’ (maximum)  ‘min’ (minimum) 'and'  'or' Examples ...

nicole - 11/02/2022 - 07:47

Blending Problem 1 (Single-period)

quality) Maximum production per year (tons) Cost to keep quarry open per year ($Million) Quarry in use ... Which quarries should be used to meet the production requirement, and how much limestone should each one ...     Quarry_use = binary         Second, there are contraints on the total production and the amount that can be ...

admin - 09/23/2024 - 11:54

PsiSip Distribution

called a Stochastic Information Packet (SIP).  The sip argument is an Excel cell range containing the ...

nicole - 11/20/2014 - 11:47

How the Solver and Risk Solver Add-ons Work

For many years, users like you have defined and solved models in Excel workbooks stored on their ... local PCs, using the Solver add-in included in Microsoft Excel (which was developed by Frontline ... Systems).  The Solver add-in is installed on your local PC.  Your Excel workbook is opened from disk, and ...

nicole - 05/10/2016 - 12:08
