  • Build advanced decision intelligence models
  • Use C++, C#, Java, Python, R, JavaScript
  • Use optimization, simulation/risk analysis, data science
  • Use an object-oriented library or a REST API
  • Easily use Excel-created decision models in code
  • Work with a non-developer business analyst
  • Build a deployable application in record time
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If You're a Developer Who Needs To...


Learn and Use Analytics

Want to learn and use data science (predictive analytics) and/or management science (prescriptive analytics)? We have powerful SDKs and APIs, our RASON modeling language, and learning resources for you.

Work with a Business Analyst

Want to work with a business analyst / non-developer in your company, to turn a model that the analyst has developed into a deployed application? With RASON, we can make this radically simple.

Use optimization and simulation models in your desktop, Web or mobile application

Define models entirely in code: C/C++, C#, Java, R, Python, More
Load and solve Excel workbook models and high-level RASON models
  • Solve the full range of optimization problems
  • Solve huge models with best-of-breed Solvers
  • Run high-speed Monte Carlo simulations
  • Solve stochastic optimization problems
  • Run on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows
  • Exploit multiple cores without extra programming
  • Run on Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure
  • Use as a Web Service via a SOAP or REST API
Common, Easy-to-Use Object-Oriented API Use the same high-level objects (like Problem, Solver, Variable and Function), collections, properties and methods across different programming languages.
Solve linear, nonlinear, non-smooth problems Linear and quadratic programming, mixed-integer programming, smooth nonlinear optimization, global optimization, and non-smooth evolutionary and tabu search are all included.
Fast Monte Carlo Simulation Engine Easily define uncertain variables with sampling from 50 continuous, discrete and custom distributions, rank-order correlation of dissimilar distributions, and distribution fitting.
Load, Update, Solve Excel Workbook Models Solver SDK can read Excel workbooks, interpret Excel formulas, and run Excel-based optimization and simulation model -- while running on a server without Excel itself.
Load, Update, Solve RASON Models Solver SDK can interpret models in our high-level RASON modeling language, bind to external data sources, and run RASON optimization and simulation models.
Load & Solve LP, MPS Files Solver SDK can load and solve linear and mixed-integer programming models defined in these traditional file formats.

We're Here To Help You

With every software product, we offer a full range of support internally and through external partners to help you succeed. Whether you are looking for pre-sales support on your problem and our product line, Technical Support on using our tools, or Consulting Services, we are here to help you. We offer a full range of online support resources you can access anytime.

Get started today: Complete the form below to register for full site access, free trial licenses and Setup program downloads, User Guides and Reference Guides, and example models.
Or dig deeper and learn more about:  Solver SDK for optimization and simulation  •  XLMiner SDK for data mining and forecasting  •  RASON Analytics REST API

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