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Search results

Solutions: Application Case Studies Using Frontline Solvers

in Excel to rationally allocate 725 school bus routes to competing vendors, to complement its own ... dataset used by HortonWorks, we show how you can work with Big Data in Excel (with help from our Apache ... we show how you can explore Big Data in Excel, and accurately predict fares-- without any ...

admin - 04/06/2024 - 17:13

Installing Analytic Solver Data Science & Obtaining a License

Solver Cloud – usable in the latest versions of Excel for Windows and Macintosh, and in Excel for the ... desktop Excel or Analytic Solver Cloud in either desktop Excel (latest version) or Excel for the Web.  To ... desktop Excel or Excel for the Web, while you are logged into your Office 365 account.  Once you do this, ...

nicole - 06/16/2024 - 19:07

DMN Business Rules and Decision Tables

1 Create and Test Decision Tables Use our powerful Excel-based tools, RASON modeling language, and ... learning resources to create multiple inter-linked decision tables. Use Excel for Windows, Macintosh, or ... and Rules in Excel Use DMN (Decision Model and Notation) Write Business Rules in FEEL Level 3 Test ...

admin - 09/01/2024 - 20:19

PASS Business Analytics Marathon February 2016

Thank you for attending Daniel Fylstra's session Advanced Analytics for Excel Users: Learn ... the PowerPoint presentation and an example Excel workbook.  So here they are: PowerPoint presentation: ... BAMarathon_DanielFylstra_Feb25.pptx (4MB) Excel workbook: PowerPivotTutorialSample.xlsx (63.4MB- please note file size) The Excel ...

admin - 02/29/2016 - 16:11

Build Analytics Expertise in Your Current Team

tutorials, and live chat with support, right inside Excel Leverage Excel skills, data you already have in ... Excel, and scores of data source connectors supported in Excel Use the many MBA textbooks that use our ... lets you: Access Analytic Solver (Excel for Windows & Macintosh, and Excel for the Web)
 Create ...

admin - 02/24/2020 - 17:17

Tutorial: Risk Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation

Excel or Google Sheets, it’s easy to change a number in an input cell or parameter, and see the effects ... Excel. This is just an algorithm that returns an “unpredictable” value every time it is called, always ... developing and marketing a new product. The chart shows a wide range of outcomes, with an average (mean) ...

cindy2 - 01/06/2024 - 16:26


constraint or decision variable in an optimization model.     cell is the Excel reference for the constraint ... optimizations, i.e. "2" would indicate the 2nd optimization.  If deploying your Excel model to the ...

nicole - 06/17/2020 - 17:00
