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Search results

Mode Overview

Automatic, Guided, Auto-Help, and Interactive Modes Overview Many of our products include special ... and solution. The table below summarizes our products' modes and their capabilities.   Premium ... of model defined by the user's Excel worksheet. Optimization models can range from linear and ...

admin - 06/16/2024 - 18:54

Backgrounder: Linear Programming and 'The Great Watershed'-- Convex and Conic Optimization

Systems' upgrade to the Solver in Microsoft Excel- by far the most widely used optimization software- this ... Frontline's Premium Solver Platform V6.0 is the first commercial product to include methods to automatically ... Microsoft Excel can create a Solver model in spreadsheet form, using ordinary Excel formulas and functions, ...

admin - 03/17/2024 - 17:55

Risk Solver- Simulation Optimization

breakthrough speeds-- often hundreds of times faster than competitive products-- with the combination of Risk ... simulations in Risk Solver up to 100 times faster than using Excel alone, also speeds up the simulation ... access these statistics in worksheet cells, with regular Excel formulas calling PSI Statistics functions. ...

admin - 04/23/2012 - 12:29

Frontline Systems Privacy Policy- Software Usage Tracking and Active Support

for Excel products, we use tracking software in these products to "log" information about ... variables and constraints What is Not Tracked Any contents of any cells in your Excel model Any results ... tracking from the Options- Support Mode menu in any of our enhanced Solvers for Excel: Support Mode- Active ...

admin - 05/25/2018 - 09:35

9. Solver encountered an error value in a target or constraint cell.

such as $A$1 >= 0.0001 instead. In the Analytic Solver products, when the Polymorphic Spreadsheet ... “Excel error value returned at cell address,” where address (e.g. Sheet1!$A$1) tells you exactly where ... message is: Error condition at cell address.  Edit your formulas, or use Excel Interpreter in the Solver ...

nicole - 02/05/2019 - 10:11

Solver Platform SDK- What's New in Version 10.5

of our Excel products) and solve them anywhere, from desktop to server to cloud.  Excel is required ... to the desktop, and working with the solutions in Excel – just as if all the computing had been done ... the ability to load Excel workbooks containing optimization and simulation models (created using one ...

admin - 03/14/2012 - 17:02
