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Search results

Excel Solver- The Objective Cell values do not converge (4).

This message appears when Solver is able to increase (if you are trying to Maximize) or decrease (for Minimize) without limit the value in the Objective cell, while still satisfying the constraints. Remember that, if you’ve selected Minimize, the objectiv ...

admin - 01/06/2024 - 15:40

Excel Solver- Change Options for GRG Nonlinear Solving Method

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options. In the Solver Options dialog box, on the GRG Nonlinear tab, choose one or more of the following options: Convergence In the Convergence box, type the amount of relative change that you want to allow in t ...

admin - 01/06/2024 - 15:41

Excel Solver- Evolutionary Solving Method Stopping Conditions

It is helpful to understand what the Evolutionary Solving method can and cannot do, and what each of the possible Solver Result Messages means for this method.  At best, the Evolutionary method – like other genetic or evolutionary algorithms – will be abl ...

admin - 01/06/2024 - 15:58

Excel Solver- Pause or stop Solver

If you press ESC while Solver is solving, the Show Trial Solution dialog box appears. Do one of the following: Click Stop to stop the solution process.  The Solver Results dialog appears with a message that Solver stopped at your request. Click Continue t ...

admin - 01/06/2024 - 15:59

Excel Solver- What Solver Can and Cannot Do

Solver’s basic purpose is to find a solution – that is, values for the decision variables in your model – that satisfies all of the constraints and maximizes or minimizes the objective cell value (if there is one).  The kind of solution you can expect, an ...

admin - 01/06/2024 - 16:35

Excel Solver- Solver Result messages

These messages appear in the Solver Results dialog when the Solver stops running. The best solution values for the decision variables are placed in the adjustable (changing) cells, and the worksheet is recalculated. In the Solver Results dialog, you have ...

admin - 02/08/2024 - 13:22

Excel Solver- Nonlinear Optimization

A model in which the objective function and all of the constraints (other than integer constraints) are smooth nonlinear functions of the decision variables is called a nonlinear programming (NLP) or non linear optimization problem.  Such problems are int ...

admin - 07/16/2024 - 02:01

Excel Solver- Solutions: Feasible, "Good" and Optimal

A solution (set of values for the decision variables) for which all of the constraints in the Solver model are satisfied is called a feasible solution.  In some problems, a feasible solution is already known; in others, finding a feasible solution may be ...

admin - 07/16/2024 - 03:24

Excel Solver- Integer Programming

When a Solver model includes integer, binary or alldifferent constraints, it is called an integer programming problem.  Integer constraints make a model non-convex, and finding the optimal solution to an integer programming problem is equivalent to solvin ...

admin - 07/16/2024 - 03:34
