Learn to build optimization, simulation, and data mining models using Analytic Solver -- and save over $1,000 compared to the original prices of individual Solver Academy courses with this special package!
- OPT101: Optimization Using Analytic Solver
- SIM101: Simulation and Risk Analysis Using Analytic Solver
- DM101: Data Mining Using Analytic Solver
- DM201: Advanced Data Mining Using Analytic Solver
The course examples and exercises can be completed using any license from Analytic Solver Upgrade up to Analytic Solver Comprehensive. And if you don't have a higher-powered Analytic Solver license, this course package will give you a "Basic" license -- with low problem size limits, but enough for all of the course examples and exercises! You can learn using Analytic Solver Desktop (Excel for Windows), or Analytic Solver Cloud (Excel for the Web, Windows or Macintosh).
Each of the four courses consists of about six modules, with quizzes, a "midterm" and a "final". A module can take a week to complete at a normal pace, though some students take more or less time. You'll be enrolled in all four courses, so you can take them in any order.
FREE TRIAL. If you want to "try before you buy," simply register by filling out a simple form, download and run the SolverSetup program. You'll be able to use a complete version of the software for 15 days, free of charge.
What's Included. Our Solver.Academy site hosts all of our course text lessons, videos and example models. And Analytic Solver® software comes with a full set of documentation (User Guide, Reference Guide, and QuickStart Guide), 30 example datasets and 90 example models, and extensive online Help.
Annual Support. Self-service technical support is available via our Help Desk. Higher levels of Annual Support are provided for more powerful Analytic Solver versions.
Buy your license now. Analytic Solver® Academy comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Be sure you understand our license terms and prices.