Analytic Solver Simulation (expanded from Risk Solver Pro to include powerful simulation optimization) is the easiest, fastest, and most powerful tool you can buy for risk analysis of your Excel models, using Monte Carlo simulation. Designed for multi-core PCs, it's a true "industrial strength" risk analysis tool, with 50+ analytic and custom probability distributions, 50+ statistics, risk measures and Six Sigma functions, automatic distribution fitting, compound distributions, rank order correlation and three types of copulas, multiple random number generators and sampling methods with variance reduction, and powerful capabilities for multiple parameterized simulations. It uses Frontline’s PSI technology to achieve breakthrough simulation speeds – up to 100 times faster than normal Excel-based Monte Carlo simulation. Its graphics help you assess uncertainty, including frequency charts, sensitivity (“tornado”) charts, scatter plots, and overlay, trend, and Box-Whisker charts, in two or three dimensions. And its decision tree capabilities make complex decisions visually clear, while enabling simulation and sensitivity analysis of decision alternatives.
FREE TRIAL. If you want to "try before you buy," simply register by filling out a simple form, download and run the SolverSetup program. You'll be able to use a complete version of the software for 15 days, free of charge.
What's Included. Analytic Solver® Simulation comes with a full set of documentation (User Guide, Reference Guide, and QuickStart Guide), 30 example datasets and 90 example models, and extensive online Help.
Annual Support. Annual Support for this product is required through the license term. Annual Support includes:
- A limited warranty for the functionality and performance of the software product
- All software upgrades for the product released during the license term
- Ability to trade in this product for an even more powerful Excel Solver product
- Technical support by phone and email during normal business hours
- Up to 15 minutes of consulting assistance arising during the license term
Buy your license now. Analytic Solver® Simulation comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Be sure you understand our license terms and prices. NOTE: To match the capabilities of Risk Solver Platform V2016, you need Analytic Solver Optimization Plus Simulation V2017.