Analytic Solver Data Mining (formerly XLMiner Platform) is our easy to use, highest capacity tool for data visualization, forecasting, data mining and text mining in Excel. It enables you to explore, visualize and transform your data in Excel, apply both classical statistics and modern data mining methods such as classification and regression trees and neural networks, and easily apply the most popular time series methods for forecasting. It can sample data from virtually any database, including Microsoft's Power Pivot in-memory database handling 100 million rows or more and Apache Spark Big Data clusters, clean and transform your data, identify promising variables, partition data into training, validation, and test datasets, and provide charts and statistics to evaluate predictive power. Its performance and capacity rivals that of "enterprise" data mining software costing ten times its price.
FREE TRIAL. If you want to "try before you buy," simply register by filling out a simple form, download and run the SolverSetup program. You'll be able to use a complete version of the software for 15 days, free of charge.
What's Included. Analytic Solver® Data Mining comes with a full set of documentation (User Guide, Reference Guide, and QuickStart Guide), 30 example datasets and 90 example models, and extensive online Help.
Annual Support. Annual Support for this product is required through the license term. Annual Support includes:
- A limited warranty for the functionality and performance of the software product
- All software upgrades for the product released during the license term
- Ability to trade in this product for an even more powerful Excel Solver product
- Technical support by phone and email during normal business hours
- Up to 15 minutes of consulting assistance arising during the license term
Buy your license now. Analytic Solver® Data Mining comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Be sure you understand our license terms and prices.