PsiCensor ([min], [max], [type])

PsiCensor is used to pile the values of samples from the uncertain variable’s distribution as follows:  if the uncertain variable’s value is less than the Min value, then the sample value will be piled at the Min, if the uncertain variable’s value is larger than the Max value, then the sample value will be piled at the Max.  This argument results in a “build up” of values around the Min and Max values in the distribution.

  • This property accepts "empty" arguments for both the min and max parameters.  If not provided, the default of -1E+30 will be used for min and the default of 1E+30 will be used for max. 
  • A third optional argument, type, was added in V2019.  If a 1 is passed (default), the bounds will be interpreted as numbers.  If a 2 is passed, the bounds will be interpreted as standard deviations.  If a 3 is passed, the bounds will be interpreted as percentiles, which must be between 0 and 1. 
  • If PsiShift is also applied to the distribution, PsiCensor() will be applied before PsiShift().