PsiVar(cell range, type, active, comment, model name)

PsiVar adds one or more cells to the decision variables in the optimization model.  The cell range must be a single cell or a range of contiguous cells.  Setting the type argument to “1” will add the cell or cell range as a “normal” variable while a “2” will add the cell or cell range as a “recourse” variable.  If this argument is not passed, the cell(s) will be added as “normal” variable(s).  Passing true for the third argument, active, selects the cell or cell range in the Task Pane Model tab for inclusion in the active model.  Passing false for this argument unchecks the cell or cell range in the Task Pane Model tab which removes the variables from the active model.  If this argument is not passed, then true will be passed by default.  A comment may be added to the variable (surrounded by quotes) which will appear under “Comment” in the Variable Property Window. (To view the Property Window simply highlight the variable or range of variables in the Task Pane Model tab.  The Property Window will appear at the bottom of the task pane.)  You may pass a model or sheet name, in quotes, for the last argument, model name, to indicate to ASP what model or worksheet the variable(s) belong(s).