Register to Download XLMiner for Education
If you're enrolled in an appropriate course and you have the textbook for that course, you can download XLMiner for Education, a subset of Analytic Solver Platform for Education (ASPE), for use in your course. You can choose to use only XLMiner (it has its own tab on the Ribbon in Excel), or all of Analytic Solver Platform.
NOTE: If you have the 2nd Edition (published 2010) of the textbook Data Mining for Business Intelligence, you don't have a Textbook Code and Course Code, but you do have an Access Code found in the back of this book, don't use this form; instead click here to register. If you have the 3rd Edition (published 2016) of Data Mining for Business Analytics, you're in the right place.
Complete the form below. Be sure to include your Textbook Code (included with your textbook but your instructor will also know this) and your Course Code (from your instructor). You'll need these to obtain a semester-length license. If you can't find them, call us at 775-831-0300 and press 0 (9am - 5pm Pacific time GMT-7), or email us at It's OK if you have registered on this site previously with the same email address.