Thank you for using Frontline's XLMiner data mining software. There is a major upgrade (V2015) of XLMiner available for download. For a summary of enhancements in this upgrade, see What's New in Frontline Solvers V2015. Note that in V2014 and V2015, XLMiner's internal data mining algorithms are up to 100 times faster, and writing reports as Excel worksheets is also many times faster.
You will need a V2015 license code to run this upgrade, which is free for users with current Annual Support. If Annual Support for one or more of your Frontline products has lapsed, simply contact us today at 775-831-0300 or email We can confirm your support status and explain the easy steps to catch up on support at the lowest available pricing.
This is a 100% compatible update. Your existing models and VBA code will work as-is.
- If you aren't currently logged in to, enter your username or email address, and your
password in the form below. - Click the button to proceed immediately to the Download page, and follow the instructions there.
- Run SolverSetup. You'll get an email with an installation password and license activation code,
but if you already have a V2015 license, these will be pre-filled in SolverSetup -- just click Next.
What's New in V2015
For a summary of enhancements in V2015, see What's New in Frontline Solvers V2015. This release includes XLMiner Platform, an upgrade from XLMiner Pro, where almost all limits on dataset size are removed. Its capacity and performance rivals the best-known statistical software packages.
- New features in XLMiner Platform V2015 include powerful text mining, ensemble methods for classification and regression trees as well as neural networks, with boosting, bagging and "random forest" combination algorithms.
- New features in both XLMiner Platform V2015 and XLMiner Pro V2015 include feature selection methods, "partition-on-the-fly" for all classification and prediction methods, ROC curves for classification and RROC curves for prediction algorithms, variable "screening" for collinearity and sparsity in multiple linear regression and logistic regression, and confidence intervals and prediction intervals in multiple regression.
We highly recommend this upgrade -- please contact us at 775-831-0300 or email
If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact us:
- During USA business hours, click the Live Chat link in the upper right corner of any page of
- Call us at +1 775-831-0300 and press 3 for customer service and license codes; as a backup press 0.
- Send email to -- this goes into our Help Desk system, where multiple people can respond.